Counsel of Evil

Scripture Reading - 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 KJV

13 So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the LORD, even against the word of the LORD, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to enquire of it;
14 And enquired not of the LORD: therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse.

Today’s lesson continues on the subject of “Counsel”. We started teaching on the subject of the “Counselors of God’s Word” which includes the instructions of the Holy Bible, specifically reading, thinking and doing God’s Word. The previous lesson we spoke about the “Counsel of Purpose” where we mentioned that all our purposes should also be derived from the Holy Word of God. However, in today’s lesson we will speak in contrast to God’s Counsel to point out the “Counsel of Evil” because we are certainly in a war. When we (ihlcc) are speaking of the “Counsel of Evil” in this write-up we are specifically revealing the spiritual source of evil. Yes, we are teaching against “spiritual counsel” that is coming from the devil and his kingdom. Now, of course, many false religions would never publically say that its followers are worshipping the devil because the original teachings are ascribed to God. Surely, many religions speak as if all their information came directly from God while just one or a couple of its founders were seeking truth (revelation from God) at a spiritual time in their life. However, as New Testament believers we know that deception is one of Satan’s key tools to lead many people astray. The devil knows very well that as long as people aren’t following God they are automatically following him. Yes, many people have many beliefs and Satan doesn’t mind if you believe in good and bad just as long as you don’t believe in Jesus Christ and His (God’s) personal teachings because only the Gospel of Jesus Christ declares exactly who the devil is and exposes what Satan’s kingdom of darkness is all about. The many separate teachings of men inspired by the wicked one keeps many people from following God, thus this counsel is not good but rather evil. Think about it, if you were brought up by your parents to believe in a certain aspect of God (a certain religion) you would believe it because it came from your parents. Children are typically conditioned to trust their parents without question. It is for this reason that we (ihlcc) have much mercy upon the lost souls of this earth because many started out deceived and many will die in this deception to spend eternity in Hell. Yes, the “Counsel of Evil” is not limited to just false religions but it is prevalent in our society today. Yes, both Christian and non-Christian can fall prey to the “Counsel of Evil” because this counsel takes on many different levels of evil. Some shades of evil are very subtle, like a sly comment degrading the appearance of another. Of course, we might not make that comment to their face but rather to another person behind their back, so to speak. The thought to speak anything negative (ungodly) is rooted in the “Counsel of Evil”. The Holy Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:5b that “Love thinks no evil” confirming the fact that evil doesn’t come from God. So we can boldly proclaim that every lie comes from the inspiration of the evil one because he is the father of lies according to John 8:44. Also, according to that same verse every thought to murder someone is from the devil because he purposed to murder from the beginning. Yes, every thought outside the Holy Word of God or the Love of God is sourced from the evil one because he stands in constant opposition to God. In today’s verse we noticed that Saul asked counsel of one that had a familiar spirit. This practice of going to a spiritualist (one who practices communication with the dead/deceased) to find out about the upcoming future is nothing new. It has existed for centuries and its practice is always ungodly because we should never go to anyone or anything else to find out our future or to obtain information about the past. Yes, doesn’t Matthew 6:34 remind us not to take thoughts for tomorrow because today we have to use our faith to overcome the challenges of today. This means seeking spiritual advice (counsel, instruction, information, etc . . .) from carnal minded men could lead to receiving the “counsel of evil”. Personally, we (ihlcc) have heard “counsel” from other Christians to do something outside of God’s Will because the people speaking it to us never thought for one moment that their personal “counsel” to us was evil. Thus, you must guard your heart against “evil counsel” by clearly knowing what God is telling you to do and whom God is declaring you to be. We (ihlcc) are not trying to be super spiritual about knowing “God’s counsel” by praying over every decision you make. No it is much more easier than that. We are simply stating to study God’s Word on a daily basis to know what God is speaking to you and all His Children. If you spend enough time in God’s Word you will start developing a healthy (good, profitable) understanding of what God requires of you. This better understanding of God through His Word will result in your personal familiarity with God’s Voice because God’s Voice and God’s Word are one. Does it take some time to understand God according to His Word? Yes and no. Yes, in the sense of being familiar with God’s daily promptings in your life because that takes time, experience and obedience but no, in the sense that God will start working with you as a new born in Christ, if you will commit to working with Him by way of His Word and being a committed member of His Holy Church, the Body of Christ. We could not cover all the various people, certain family members, religions, business, politics, various governments, etc. . . that openly express the “Counsel of Evil” but what we did do is bring your attention to the very real fact that it exist today and many have fallen prey to it. Yes, not only do we hear this evil agenda propagated through the airways into our thoughts and ears but many of us (as Believers in Christ Jesus) have fallen into the deceptive practices to speak and think outside of God’s Will for our life. Therefore, be you renewed in the spirit of your mind (your thoughts, your attitude) to put on the new inner man, which is created in righteousness and true holiness after God.-Refer to Ephesians 4:23,24. Just because the “Counsel of Evil” is all around us doesn’t mean it has to be inside of us, too. No, we can rise up in Christ Jesus to live above the “Counsel of Evil” by rejecting falseness, evilness, wickedness and deception on every front. Since we, as Christians, are true followers of Christ shouldn’t we spiritually only (solely) distribute the “Counsel of God’s Word” in all goodness, truth and righteousness? Of course we should and of course we shall in the Mighty Name of Jesus with the help (aid) of “Thee Counselor”, the Holy Spirit of God. Amen!